Coach to Success...
One Speech at a Time

with Gale West, DTM
your Speech Coach

Coach to Success...
One Speech at a Time

with Gale West, DTM
your Speech Coach

Gale West, DTM, Your Speech Coach

Gale West, DTM, Your Speech Coach

Learn Speech Basics will provide you with the tools, systems and formulas to produce interesting, informative and productive speeches that encourage your listening audience to think and to act differently after they hear your speech.

Do it now!

Need to improve your
public speaking
business presentation skills?

  • Improve or enhance a single presentation?
  • Become an overall better speaker?
  • ​Gain skills to become a keynote speaker on stage?
  • ​Enjoy speaking in front of other people?
  • ​Sell 50% more in products and services?

​Start with a FREE "Get to Know You" session

Your answers to few questions can help me determine how we can work together to achieve your specific goals.

Do not wait: the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.”
― Napoleon Hill

​"While preparing a seminar series on ‘scarcity and abundance”, I sought feedback from Englewood Toastmasters. Gale reviewed my news release and original draft of a portion of my seminar. She asked questions to ensure I had a strong opening statement, a memorable ‘take away message’, a promised result and a positive next step. These questions identified ways I could fine tune my presentations.”

Jacobina Trump

Small Business Consultant

​"Just leaving school board meeting.  My reception was a smashing success and I (humbly) CRUSHED it based on the comments afterwards.  Words cannot express my gratitude for your support and expertise!"

​Pamela Gavette

​​Candidate for Sarasota School Board

Do not wait to achieve the success you wish to make in your personal and professional life. Many of us procrastinate. We put off public speaking for many different reasons.

However, when you learn tools, methods and systems that help you craft fun, informative speeches, you begin to enjoy speaking in front of other people.

Improving your communication skills enhances every aspect of your life; your interpersonal relationships improve, at home, at work, and in your community volunteer activities.

Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it... that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.”
― Dale Carnegie

In the 1970s, I participated in the personal development programs offered through Dale Carnegie. I improved my interpersonal skills and sales skills. In the 1980s, I attended the motivational seminars that included Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale, and Norman Vincent Peale. I envisioned being on stage offering inspiration for others.

I did not pursue that vision; however, over the years, I taught, trained and facilitated a variety of different health programs that made a difference in the personal and professional lives of thousands of people.

After discovering Toastmasters in 2012 and giving speeches in a safe, welcoming environment, my thoughts went back to the 70s and 80s. I thought, “Why did I wait so long?” I encourage you to “do it now”!!

I am here to coach you to your success. I am here to help you learn the tools, techniques, systems and methods that will energize your speeches, that will inspire and motivate your audience. You will enjoy crafting speeches just for the fun of it, using effective storytelling and dialogue to sell yourself, your products and your services.

World Class Speaking Coach

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
― Zig Ziglar

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