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Meet Gale West, DTM

Gale West, DTM, Your Speech Coach

My “Coaching to Success” Promise to You

My top priority is to help you become a more effective speaker by sharing the experiences and knowledge I have learned through Toastmasters, the World Class Speaking Coach Certification program and the first class books I have read about public speaking.

I joined Toastmasters in 2012 at the encouragement of friends organizing a new club. As a member of North Port Toastmasters, Englewood Toastmasters and Charlotte County Advanced Toastmasters, I have held officer roles as Club President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership and Public Relations; coordinated club, area and division speech contests and held the role of Chief Judge at numerous contests. I was asked to present officer training as well as club contest basics and judging criteria at District 48 TLI Toastmasters Leadership Institute workshops.

Gale West with Area Governor

I was Area Governor during 2014-2015 for four clubs and Division Director to twelve clubs during 2015-2016. In August 2016, I received the DTM Distinguished Toastmasters designation, the highest award a Toastmaster can receive.

DTM means I have sponsored a new Toastmasters club, mentored other Toastmasters, evaluated dozens of speeches, given over 40 speeches, completed numerous leadership roles during club meetings, completed a High Performance Leadership project, and presented a Success/Leadership workshop.

World Class Speaking Coach

World Class Speaking Coach Certification

I met Craig Valentine, the 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking, through Toastmasters. I was intrigued by his ability to weave everyday life experiences into his speeches to provide his audience with meaningful lessons. I was fortunate to win a set of his CDs and spent hours listening to his speeches. When I learned that he was offering a World Class Speaking Coach Certification workshop, I found a way to attend. I became a Certified World Class Speaking Coach in September 2016.

Other Life Experiences: Marketing for hospitals, real estate and non-profits. Talk show radio host. Licensed skincare aesthetician. Level III Tuning Fork Therapy. Level I Reiki. Wellness Advocate with doTerra essential oils.

I use Tuning Fork Therapy and 100% essential oils to help energize the physical body, align chakras, integrate right and left brain activity. With the World Class Coaching techniques and tools, I help clients coordinate right and left brain thinking to create exciting and innovative speeches that keep audiences engaged and eager to take the next step.