
Coaching or Consulting to include,
but not limited to:

  • in-person presentation coaching;
  • phone calls, emails, Skype;
  • analysis of video presentations;
  • presentation planning; review of content (written, visual, handouts);
  • PowerPoint design.

Coach or Consult?

Whether your goal is to improve a one-time presentation, or to become an accomplished public speaker interested in learning the techniques that ensure an effective stage presence, I can coach you to use World Class tools and systems to produce an outstanding speech to motivate and inspire your audience.

What is Coaching?

A speech coach listens .. then helps her client “do it their way”, asking questions and encouraging the client to establish goals, present an outline of their specific action steps and determine the best way for them to handle obstacles. Coaches walk their client through the process of speech development and provide tools and systems that assist the client in creating a world class speech. It requires client involvement and commitment to their personal success. It is a process, not a one-time “how to do it” directive. There may be occasional “consulting comments”, but the focus is on the client creating his or her story.

What is Consulting?

A speech coach usually avoids consulting, unless the client specifically requests a “consult” relationship. Why? Consulting is more about the client receiving “expert advice” from the coach or consultant, and the client following those ideas and suggestions. The speech then becomes more about the consultant’s experiences than the client’s experiences. The client is less involved in the creation of their speech and may ultimately feel that the advice did not work for them. Even though the client received good advice, it may not fit the client’s personality or delivery style.

Your answers to a variety of questions can help me determine how we can work together to achieve your specific goals.