One to One Speech Coaching Package

  • Are you interested in learning how to create effective speeches?
  • Do you know how to make your speech memorable?
  • Will your audience take action at the conclusion of your speech?
  • Do you know how to have fun during your speeches?

Development of speeches requires several sessions to cover all the tools and techniques.

After you have crafted your speech, we will review the processes to ensure that you have created the speech you want to deliver.

Three One-Hour Coaching Sessions Package (fee $400)

Ensure you have the basic speech structure in place

​Identify the Big Promise for the audience

Review the roadmap for your speech

Review the points to be covered in the body of your speech

Anchor the points in your speech to ensure they are remembered

Ensure you are presenting your speech to address the needs of the audience

​Develop storytelling skills to hook your audience

Identify benefits and opportunities for dialogue

Ensure you have a tight presentation focusing on your specific message

Include selling techniques to motivate your audience to take action